Sunday, October 12, 2008

Barney Frank has it Right!

Finally! Someone is talking sanity during our national economic crisis. Intelligent ideas are obviously not coming from the intellectual crackheads of far right institutes, like the Cato Institute or the Heritage Foundation. Instead, the Democrats are rocking intelligently with a proposed trillion dollar economic stimulus plan. In The Rigged Game, I mentioned that President Bush made all the wrong moves when it came to combating the effects of the recession of 2001. The downturn began and ended in 2001, but the negative impacts lasted at least until late in 2004.

State and local governments have to balance their budgets. So from 2001 to 2004, those governments experienced reductions in tax revenues. This forced them to slash programs and lay-off employees; they had to hack wages and salaries. When the governor’s of several states pleaded with him for federal assistance, Bush was simply too stupid or too uncaring and turned them down.

Bush probably rebuffed their requests because he is a conservative sociopath, as well as something of a psychopath. In other words, his ideology told him those government employees were not rich, and his government prefers to only help the affluent; and of course, as a noted sociopath, he didn’t care what happened to the little people that couldn’t do him any favors.

Now the Democrats, led by Congressman Barney Frank, are seeking to reverse the stupidity of Bush by seeking to give a trillion dollar booster shot to the economy; and one of those ways is to shove some of that borrowed money to state and local governments to combat the effects of what should be labeled "The Nightmare Created by George W Bush and the Republican Party." This economic calamity should be deep.

By all accounts, the economic system has not been threatened with as much financial ruin since the Great Depression; and that was caused by another batch of Republicans during the nineteen-twenties operating on the same ideological principals as Bush and his gang.

Under the Democratic plan, hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars will be funneled toward state and local governments. This should keep their employees working and local and state programs doing what they’re supposed to be doing: helping people. And this cash flow will act as a brake, slowing the economic descent, and possibly even preventing it from reaching the bottom, wherever that may be.

In other news:

In September 2007, based on my book, The Rigged Game: Corporate America and a People Betrayed, I made several predictions:

A recession would hit between the autumn of 2007 and the following summer for example.

Another prediction I made back then included home mortgage interest rates will drop below five percent, and possibly four percent. That’s not an indication of a healthy economy; rather it’s a sign of how weak it is. In his rush to enverate the economy Bush and his gang were aided by many corporate Democrats like the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

The political establishment of the Republicans and Democrats continue to try bail out what shouldn’t be bailed out: rich folks. All they’re doing is leading us into bankruptcy and likely leading us to defeat at the hands of al-Qaida. That will be the first time a criminal organization centered in the White House, aided and abetted by their lackies in congress, will have led this nation to defeat at the hands of another band of criminals and their lackies.

Conservative radio talk show Lars Larsen continues to demonstrate his remarkable ignorance. A couple of days ago, he insisted the Carter years 1976-1980 were worse than today. How stupid! Last I looked, this is a guy who has a full size replica of George W. Bush standing near him on the television broadcast of his radio show. Apparently, he doesn’t listen to a word of what the president says. Maybe that's why he is so ignorant. Bush, his Treasury Secretary, and his head of the Federal Reserve Bank, all call the current financial crisis the nastiest since the Great Depression.

Lars told a caller a month or so ago that yellow cake uranium was discovered in Iraq. He didn’t say when or by whom, but the conversation indicated he was talking about after the U.S. invasion. Is Lars totally ignorant, a liar, or something else? Because he isn't telling the truth. Maybe he just listens to too much right-wing talk radio.

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